
         The following table shows time of maturity of main citrus commercial varieties in Sao Paulo. Letters between parentheses indicate predominant utilization for fresh fruit market (M) and juice industry (I).














Lima (M)


Lima Sorocaba (M)


Hamlin (I)


Homossassa (I)


Seleta (M)


Bahia (M)


Baianinha (M)


Westin (M,I)


Rubi (M,I)


Americana (M,I)


Pera (M,I)


Lima Verde (M)


Valência (M,I)



Natal (M,I)


Folha Murcha (M,I)


Charmuti (M,I)



Cravo (M)


Ponkan (M)


Mexerica do Rio (M)


Murcote (M,I)


Limes and Lemons

Tahiti (M,I)




Siciliano (M,I)


Lima da Pérsia (M)





     Lima. Acidless, early-maturing, small size, highly productive, excellent flavor.

     Lima Sorocaba. Acidless, early- to mid-season, average size, fruithighly productive.

     Hamlin. Mainly for juice, average size, few seeds, early-maturing, rind and juice yellow, highly productive, good on-tree storage.

     Homossassa. Mainly for juice, average size, few seeds, early-maturing, juice yellow, rind color better than that of Hamlin, highly productive but not as Hamlins, good on-tree storage. Apparently less susceptible to CVC.

     Seleta. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, good color, good size, good productivity. Aparently incompatible with Swingle and Trifoliata.

     Bahia. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, good color, good size, average to low productivity. Apparently less susceptible to CVC.

     Baianinha. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, good color, good size, small to absent navel, high productivity.

     Westin. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, good color, average size, good productivity. Poor on-tree storage. Apparently less susceptible to CVC.

     Rubi. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, good color, average size, average productivity.

     Americana. Mainly for juice, average size, few seeds, early-maturing, juice yellow, rind color better than that of Hamlin, highly productive but not as Hamlins, good on-tree storage.

     Pera. Mid- to late-season, resistant to poor harvesting, packing and shipping practices, excellent flavor, excellent for juice or fresh fruit market, average productivity, good on-tree storage. Good off-season fruit production. More susceptible to pests. Incompatible with Volkameriana and trifoliate-type rootstocks.

     Lima Verde. Acidless, late-maturing, average size and good productivity.

     Valencia. Late-maturing, excellent productivity, good size, good rind and juice color, excellent for juice extraction, less resistant to poor harvesting, packing and shipping practices.

     Natal. Late-maturing, excellent productivity, average size, good rind and juice color, excellent for juice extraction, good resistance to poor harvesting, packing and shipping practices. Good on-tree storage.

     Folha Murcha. Leaves "wilted" as a genetic trait. Late- to very late-maturing. low acidity, good size, good flavor, resistant to poor harvesting, packing and shipping practices, good productivity, good on-tree storage. Apparently less susceptible to CVC.

     Charmuti. Late-maturing, low acidity, good size, excellent flavor, good color, resistant to poor harvesting, packing and shipping practices, good productivity, good on-tree storage.


     Cravo. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, low acidity, very easy peeling, small size with no thinning, good color, seedy, poor resistance to shipping and handling.

     Ponkan. Early-maturing, excellent flavor, low acidity, very easy peeling, small to medium size with no thinning, good color, seedy, poor resistance to shipping and handling.

     Mexerica do Rio. Early season and mid season maturing clones. Excellent flavor, strong typical tangerine aroma, easy peeling in areas of high temperature and humidity and less so in cooler and drier areas. Small size, seedy, poor resistance to handling and shipping.

     Murcote. Late maturing, excellent flavor, small size if not thinned, excellent color, seedy, smooth rind, more difficult to peel than other tangerines. Incompatible with trifoliate-type rootstocks.

Limes e Lemons

     Tahiti. Seedless, medium size, highly productive, excellent flavor, juicy. It is an acid lime.

     Siciliano. True lemon, excellent flavor, few seeds, juicy, highly productive.

     Lima da Pérsia. Also known as Palestine sweet lime. Acidless, slight typical sour taste, seedy, juicy, smooth skin, medium size, highly productive

 CITROLIMA Varieties

          Mudas Cítricas Citrolima has developed new citrus varieties through the selection of plants from free or controlled pollination, and of spontaneous mutations of known varieties. The new varieties have been under study for variable intervals in the last 22 years until all important characterisitics are evaluated for commercial or other utilization of interest. The main new varieties are described as follows.

     Folha Não Murcha. Selection from Folha Murcha or Wilted Leaf orange with all original characteristics with the exception of the wilted leaf.

     Seleta Citrolima. Selection from Seleta orange seedlings. Early maturing, very sweet, excellent flavor, resistant to shipping and handling, high productivity.

     Americana Citrolima. Selection from Americana orange seedlings. Early maturing, excellent color and flavor, average size, good productivity.

     Murcotão. Selection from Murcote seedlings. Early- to mid-season maturity, good fruit size, excellent flavor and color, easy peeling (better than Murcote), seedy (less than Murcote). Better resistance to Alternaria brown spot than Murcot.

     Limão trepadeiro. Cross between Cipo orange and Sicilian lemon. Good lemon with weeping banches for ornamental purposes

     Tangerinas trepadeiras 1, 2, 3 e 4. Crosses between Cipo orange and "mexerica do rio". Good tangerines with weeping branches for ornamental purposes.

     Pera Precoce Citrolima. Selection from Pera orange seedlings. Early maturing, good color and high sugar and acid content.

     Toranjas Perina 1 e 2. Selections from Citrus grandis seedlings. Good typical flavor.

     Valência Vermelha Citrolima. Selection from Valencia seedlings with excellent color.

     Naval. Selection from Natal orange with characteristics intermediary between Natal and Valencia oranges. Fruit size and productivity similar to Valencia and sugar and acid content similar to Natal.

     Lima Citrolima. Acidless selection from Caipira orange seedlings. Early maturing with reddish internal color, seedy and highly productive.

     Barão de Casa Branca. Selection from Caipira orange seedlings. Early maturing with low acid and regular sugar.

     Tangerina Branca. Selection from Murcote seedlings. Early maturing tangerine with good size and excellent flavor. Pale in color.

    Tangerina Murcote precoce. Selection from Murcote seedlings. Early maturing tangerine with good size and excellent flavor.

     Madre Tereza. Plant found in Guaxupé, MG, Brasil. Medium size fruit with rough and thick rind with excellent unique flavor and high in sugars. Excellent for making sweet preserves.



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